Monday, November 6, 2017

Radical Nomos, living off the land, and autonomous labor

Since the Industrial Revolution (and especially following the global "victory" of capitalism over communism), we've operated under the assumption that sprawling industrial settings and cities are necessary for progress. And for a time, it could be argued that they were.
But they are not necessary anymore. Massive population centers and industry are necessary for the accumulation of capital, but not survival or living comfortably. Power companies? Don't need them; modern technology makes possible the self-sufficient and self-sustaining household. Automation promises a future where most of the hard work of living off the land can be relegated to autonomous labor, freeing human beings to be more focused in their tasks and interests.
The point is that radical Nomos perpetuates itself, but the only reward for all the effort is more capital, which is only useful to Nomos; the result is an ever growing flow of hypothetical resources that have no worth outside of Nomos, solidifying the erroneous assumption that Nomos is the primary reality and that Physis, if it is to be considered at all, is merely tertiary. But this is not true. It's delusion. It's insanity.
People could live quite comfortably, integrated with the life-processes of the earth, by the grace of Physis and the modest ingenuity of Nomos and its implementation of autonomous labor...but there is no capital to be gained from this. Radical Nomos will not tolerate a world where a person can live happily, prosperously and independently off of the land. And that is why the powers-that-be will do everything in their power to keep you dependent upon and integrated into the unsustainable economy of radical Nomos.

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